Interview: The Nature Journal Show
I recently had the opportunity to visit with Marley Peifer on his wonderful program, The Nature Journal Show.
I recently had the opportunity to visit with Marley Peifer on his wonderful program, The Nature Journal Show.
The only foolish time to start is never to do so in the first place.
Considering a 30-day art challenge? Here are some of my insights after completing Marley Peifer's Wild Wonder nature journaling challenge.
My favorite tried and true journaling prompts for making my practice more intentional.
If you're feeling the strain of a pulled circuit or two, consider a routine reboot to get your good habits back on track.
What’s in my nature journaling bag? My favorite little goodies and nature journaling supplies, including trash bags to help me help the places I love.
Keeping a journal has become an essential part of my life, but it took several false starts before I learned how to get the most out of journaling and to make the habit stick. Here’s why I initially struggled and how I eventually made journaling work for me.
Big decisions need time, reflection, and space, and this requires patience and grace.