mindset 9 questions to help you find your way Where are you going? Here are nine questions to ask when you want to uncover what matters most.
art Head in the clouds with skyscapitos Got a few minutes? Skyscapitos are an easy way to get your head in the clouds and connect with nature.
inspiration Get out of your way Struggling to transition from knowledge accumulation to knowledge application? Here’s when it might be a good idea to switch gears.
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journaling My top 3 journaling prompts My favorite tried and true journaling prompts for making my practice more intentional.
books Read that again. A brief rant about social trends and a list of books that have inspired me enough to make the, ‘read that again’ pile.
mindset You are not a niche That innocent personality test runs the risk of pigeonholing your potential...if you believe the results.
art The making of a moment When you embrace the process over the product, you free yourself to experience and connect with the world around you.
mindset Thought experiments ≠ commitments Thinking about something doesn’t make it so. Here’s why that can be a very good thing and how to tap into the power of brainstorming without all the storming.