Skylights: Jan 25 - Feb 5, 2025
Introducing "Skylights", my new series where I give highlights from the pages of my personal journal a little sunlight to bloom.

Instead of keeping potentially helpful insights tucked away, I've decided to give select bits and pieces from my personal journals a little sunlight to bloom into being through a new series called "Skylights".
Through sky painting and reflection, I've found growth often emerges in quiet, unexpected moments. I share these glimpses not as answers, but as companionship for others navigating their own paths of questions and discoveries.
Something I share here one week might not resonate with you, while something I share weeks later might strike a chord. What tickles and sticks is beyond my control, but I'll share it all the same so you can have it in your back pocket just in case.

Watercolor windowscapes for January 25 through February 5, 2025 | Year 3 of my 365 Skies project
On learning, content, and sharing:
01/26/2025: It seems like all of society now suffers from being simultaneously busier than ever and behind in all things. I don't recall this phenomenon being so widespread 15-20 years ago. Back then, you just did your thing...but now, you "need" to be creating things - primarily "content" - for everyone else but yourself. Meh. No. That's really silly, I think. I just want to learn things. Not worry about every ounce of learning having to directly translate into some sort of useful product in order to justify the pursuit. When did we stop learning and creating just for the fun of it?
On mindset:
01/28/2025: We're watching Bill Nye's class on MasterClass. I love Nye's optimism for innovation and activism. The class was filmed during the pandemic, but so much has already changed since then. When I worry about where we'll end up, I remember that our only chance is to never give up on our beliefs and to keep innovating and forging ahead, despite how far back it might feel we have stepped in this moment.
On art and life:
01/29/2025: Sometimes, hot messes on the page are the only antidote to the real hot messes we encounter in our lives and the world. Maybe that helps you not worry about the sketch...but then, it was nice when the sloppy sketch was the big problem. "Journal" me is glad I don't care. But "Me" me, cares deeply about all the rest...and sometimes "Journal" me is my only savior...if only for a fleeting 15 minutes.

On process, notetaking systems:
02/03/2025: Trying to take notes on the iPad and you know what? It's just...too a bad way, which becomes distracting...but it might be worthwhile if I can lock it in and shut down any potential distractions which might pop up during the notetaking process. It's kind of like the multi-pen with all the colors: it's great if you don't get too caught up in all the switching back and forth.

Something about seeing all my notes on the piece of paper before me. The smudging of ink, the sound, the lack of any filter. It won't crash. It won't run out of juice. It's easy. It's small. It's portable. I feel less...constricted. Less foggy with paper.
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