art Head in the clouds with skyscapitos Got a few minutes? Skyscapitos are an easy way to get your head in the clouds and connect with nature.
inspiration Get out of your way Struggling to transition from knowledge accumulation to knowledge application? Here’s when it might be a good idea to switch gears.
art Lessons learned from a 30-day nature journaling challenge Considering a 30-day art challenge? Here are some of my insights after completing Marley Peifer's Wild Wonder nature journaling challenge.
podcasts Podcast interview: Journaling with Nature I recently joined Bethan Burton as a guest on her podcast, “Journaling with Nature”.
journaling My top 3 journaling prompts My favorite tried and true journaling prompts for making my practice more intentional.
habits Routine reboot If you're feeling the strain of a pulled circuit or two, consider a routine reboot to get your good habits back on track.
books Read that again. A brief rant about social trends and a list of books that have inspired me enough to make the, ‘read that again’ pile.
systems Here’s why you’re not remembering everything ‘Remembering everything’ is not the same as Googling. Here’s how your second brain might be starving your first brain.
art Geeking outside with nature journaling supplies What’s in my nature journaling bag? My favorite little goodies and nature journaling supplies, including trash bags to help me help the places I love.
systems Life gets away from you while you’re busy making lists Is hyper productivity causing you to trade essential slow time for grow time? A case for choosing to course-correct.